Level: Class 1 Drone Land Author: Joel Mathis You spin around the corner in the darkness. The beeping of the LOCK sign gives you ample warning. You dodge the missile and shred the heavy hulk without blinking. You move forward and hear bursts of vulcan fire. You fire into an alcove and see the fragments of a vulcan robot that was cloaked there. This mission is a breeze, isn't there anything tougher? You open the door, and are face to face with the one robot you've come to fear. You back off in panic hoping you can get away from the terror of the class one drone... "Not likely!" you say? Maybe after this level, you will change your mind. I wondered if I could make a tough level, but only using class one drones as enemies. This is the attempt. The Backstory: Mantanence workers traveled to a mine on Phobos and discover the early stages of infection. A short distress signal has informed us that infestation is minimal, but calling you in from the outer planets has given them over a full day to dig in and prepare. If you need spoilers, page down a few times. LOOK OUT! SPOILERS AHEAD!! TURN BACK NOW, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!! SPOILERS!!! This level isn't too complex in layout, but there are two things that can give people trouble. The hostages: Go to the bottom of the curved corridor. Then open the secret door that leads down. Follow the path ALL the way to the end. This means keep going until you hit the back wall of the corridor. Turn around and go back through the door. A secret door should have openned in the wall above you. The hostages are inside. The maze of glass: I freely admit I borrowed the layout of this from another game. Think of it as a 3x3x3 cube made up of smaller cubes. The invisible walls show up on the automap, but this view is confusing. If you are really despirate, here is a map: U-Up is open D-Down is open B-Both up and down are open E-Exit is up Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 | | +-+-+-+ + +-+-+ +-+-+-+ | D|D| |D|U|B| |U U| +-+ + + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ | E|D| |D|D U| |U U | + + + + +-+-+-+ + + + + | | | |D|D|D| |U|U|U| +-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+-+-+ | |